Knee joints can injure quickly and heal slowly. Incorporate these yoga poses for stronger knees to help strengthen and protect them.
Explore the 6 main benefits of Thai massage therapy in our next article. Thai yoga massage is hands-on and feels good inside and out.
Wrist pain in yoga is something everyone should be aware of whether they are a new or seasoned practitioner. Our wrists take a lot of weight and effort in a strong practice. Here are 5 ways to prevent it.
Yoga can be intimidating and even foreign at times. Here is our guide on how to prepare for your first yoga class. Consult with the studio you are interested in to determine exactly what you need to bring on your first day!
Pincha Mayurasana or forearm stand pose is great for strengthening your shoulders, back, spine and core. Learn how to get into Pincha Mayurasana with this detailed yoga tutorial.
Why does meditation make us feel more relaxed? We’ll answer some questions as to why it’s easier to be after a meditation session and give you some meditation tools you can use right now.
Learn how to use a yoga wheel in my quick tutorial. The yoga wheel is an excellent tool for accessing poses and getting creative. Use code SCHIMIGGY at ProSource Fit for 15% off.
What to do when someone walks out of your class? This can apply to any fitness class. I am a yoga instructor sharing my experience.