Self-care comes in many forms, but when you’re on a budget, have a busy schedule, or both, you might feel limited in your options.
Taking care of your mind and body can easily become a full-time job if you let it. It’s important to find small ways to work care into your everyday routine.
Reducing stress, eating right, finding a workout that fits your needs, and learning how to unplug from technology are all great places to start. Think of how best to adapt these actions to meet your specific mental and physical health needs.
It may take some outside-the-box thinking to make sure you can stick to your budget, especially when it comes to reducing stress or anxiety.
Many people find that taking a vacation helps them unwind and feel more relaxed, but these trips can be costly. Instead of taking a solo trip that pushes the limits of your budget, ask a friend or family member to go in on a vacation with you, or take a few small mini-trips throughout the year within your city or state.
Here are a few things you might consider when it comes to self-care on a budget.
How to Practice Self-Care on a Budget
#1 Take Some Time Off
Feeling stuck in an endless loop of work and home can have a detrimental effect on our mental health, so it’s important to look for easy ways to take a break. If you’re pressed for time, consider taking a few small trips over the course of the year.
A weekend road trip or a one-day campout with a hike can help you decompress when life feels like it’s boxing you in.
If you have a little time but not much of a budget, ask a friend or family member to go in on a vacation rental and enjoy a staycation together. This will allow you to split costs and make traveling more affordable.
As Turnkey points out, Seattle has plenty of attractions for different interests, whether you want to explore various cuisines in Ballard or seek a cultural experience in Chinatown.
Renting a vacation property nearby can put you within walking distance of hiking trails and waterfront views. What’s more, staying in or around town will also save you a lot of money on travel expenses.
#2 Take an Online Course
Learning something new can boost your self-esteem and help you stay motivated to reach your goals; when you mix in a healthy activity, you can also keep your physical well-being in great shape. Think about taking an online yoga class, which will allow you to work out on your own time and in the comfort of your own home.
#3 Find Some Peace and Quiet
It’s not always easy, especially when you’re a parent, but finding some peace and quiet each day can help you relax, refocus, and reduce stress, anxiety, and even the symptoms of depression.
Take five or 10 minutes to breathe; turn off your phone or other devices and go outside. Sit with a good book before bed rather than scrolling through your newsfeed.
We are inundated all day with information, so anything you can do to take a break will help you get your mind right.
#4 Eat Healthy
People who work in an office setting understand how hard it can be to stick to a healthy diet. If it’s not donuts in the breakroom, then it’s a vending machine full of chips and fatty snacks or a fast-food lunch.
And when it’s midday and your energy is waning, a little sugar rush can sound pretty good. Those snack breaks and lunches out are not only ruining your resolve to eat healthfully, but they’re also costly.
Save money and stay motivated by bringing your own snacks to work. Granola, nuts, fruit, string cheese, and Greek yogurt are a much better way to curb your hunger and keep you going until dinner.
Self-care is a pretty personal thing, so it’s important to carefully consider what your needs are before making any changes.
Start small and work a few new things into your lifestyle; try them out without putting pressure and additional stress on yourself. With time, you’ll be feeling healthier and more confident.
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Tuesday 28th of June 2022