All writers know how to write short stories. Moreover, they write them! And in huge quantities. Every day many new opuses appear on the Internet. Most of the stories are similar to each other, like twin brothers. They are identical in that there is no novelty in them.
Any novice author wants his work immediately published and appreciated by the readership. Preferably positive. But the story is still very raw, the plot is vague, the characters of the heroes are not spelled out, the style is clumsy, and so on, so forth, and so on … no, of course, literary sites allow you to improve in writing.
Earlier, in the pre-Internet era, getting feedback on your work took a lot. Now – today published, tomorrow – already scolded. It’s beautiful. But it is not about that. If you have thought, ‘Oh, I wish somebody could write my essay for me, you might know some writing services that help you with assignments. But those methods are for education, but storytelling is essential for the rest of your life.
A novice author can be told how to avoid mistakes at the beginning of their creative path. Forgive me, Lord, for the high-flown style. So, how to write an exciting story? First, for whom is it interesting? You will say, of course, for the reader. And you will be wrong. The readership is so heterogeneous that there is no way to satisfy the crowd. You need to look for your reader. This is an insanely difficult task. It takes time. A year, two, maybe a lifetime will be spent searching. So you have to write for yourself. Yes, yes. For your beloved.
No, if you want to achieve commercial success, this advice sounds very stupid. All commercially successful authors work on an assembly line. There is a particular set of clichés, a limited contingent of literary “blacks,” and the new detective is already in print. If you want to make money in the academic field, you can read no further. The rest – write stories for yourself, and you will be rewarded.
Most novice writers work in the genre of fiction. Or Fantasy. Indeed, it is easy to work in these genres. Starships, aliens, dragons. Write whatever you want. The paper will bear it. Whether the reader will tolerate, it is another question.
Try writing a story about village life in the late 19th century. Or about the experiences of Protestants after Bartholomew’s Night. It isn’t easy. You need to find out the details of everyday life and the specific historical setting. To be honest, you know nothing. That is why you go to the world of fantasy, the world of hobbits, elves, and vampires from the planet Cleo.
Thus, fiction plays a vital role as a sump for writing talents. However, enough to pour water on the self-publishing mill, it’s time to get down to business.
Your story will be interesting to the reader if it has three factors. Those are intrigue, style, and understatement. Intrigue. A story without a plot is like a car without an engine. It is almost impossible to come up with something new and original.
Previous generations of writers have shit, so modern authors have to use the scraps from their tables. Some authors believe that the plot is a secondary matter. Allegedly, the story can be pulled out only by good style. And the description of nature begins on half a page, with inhalations, exhalations of the main character, and other crap.
All readers are already in a coma, and the author keeps writing and writing. For whom only, it needs to be clarified. We need intrigue. The sooner it appears, the more chance it has to attract the reader. The conspiracy should gradually develop. The reader must be kept in constant suspense. Distractions from the plot to describe the beauty of nature, and the experiences of the characters, of course, are needed. But in moderation.
Style. A plot will only save your story if written in the clumsy language. The reader is ready to forgive grammatical errors, the absence of commas, and incorrectly formatted direct speech. But he will never read a text written at the level of a tenth-grade composition. You cannot teach them to write stylishly. You have to be born with this talent.
However, you need to put yourself in the reader’s place and think about which paragraph he will close the file with your opus. In most cases, after the first. A novice author should buy a textbook on advertising. It is excellently written on how to compose texts. The world of advertising is ruthless. The first sentence should arouse a potential consumer’s interest in the product. Any paragraph should end in such a way that there is interest. Read more.
The reader is the same consumer. You have to make him not buy a means for sweating or new tights but read your work—exactly force. Not to ask, not to beg: “Uncle, read what I have written there,” but to force. With the help of your talent, of course.
Omission. This section is the most difficult for a novice author. It is the understatement that distinguishes a talented work from a brilliant one. If the reader continues to think about the fate of the heroes and speculate about their actions, it means that the author has hit the point and his work has the right to exist. And in conclusion. Make the reader first laugh, then cry, then laugh again. It is in this sequence.
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